The impact of stigmatisation of menopause in the workplace

The “M” word …

Not purely a “woman’s issue” and not limited to “older” colleagues.

Menopause in the workplace is NOT just about hot flashes. If you’re at all concerned about:

Employee wellbeing

Productivity and performance

Team dynamics and culture

…then you need to pay attention to this ‘hot’ topic 😉 and the impact it has on you, your colleagues, and your organization.

Advaita Naidoo, MD Africa at Jack Hammer, spoke to Iman Rappetti at Newzroom Africa about the many ways that companies can create a supportive culture, destigmatise conversations about women’s health and promote awareness around the misconceptions and bias that exacerbate the challenges women face in the workplace.

Give this illuminating conversation a watch on YouTube HERE:

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